Minggu, 24 Mei 2015

Song : Bunda

Kubuka album biru 
Penuh debu dan usang
Ku pandangi semua gambar diri
Kecil bersih belum ternoda
Pikirkupun melayang 
Dahulu penuh kasih
Teringat semua cerita orang
Tentang riwayatku
Kata mereka diriku slalu dimanja 
Kata mereka diriku slalu dtimang
Nada nada yang indah 
Slalu terurai darinya 
Tangisan nakal dari bibirku 
Takkan jadi deritanya

Tangan halus dan suci
Tlah mengangkat diri ini 
Jiwa raga dan seluruh hidup
Rela dia berikan
Back to reff

Oh bunda ada dan tiada dirimuKan slalu ada di dalam hatiku

Source: http://lirik.kapanlagi.com/artis/melly_goeslaw/bunda

This song is about a son/daughter who really likes and miss their mom.
When they look their photo album they remember their mom. Who always hugged them, love them, gave her best for them. They reminisce, they really want to repay all the kindness of their mother.
And they're want their mom to knows, they're really love her and will always remember her.

I really like this song :'))) The meaning of this song really is touching. I always moved and shuddered when I heared this song. 

Oh, you can hear this song if you want. Just click the Link!

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